Thursday, September 23, 2010

Paperwork done!

All of the paperwork has finally been done for our new house and now we can move onto getting a start date. The bank are sending off their side of things to head office today and they will process it and send a letter to Coral confirming that we can start. We are also providing them with our loan contract today so that they can see we have borrowed enough to pay (not sure why they need that cos if you were paying in cash they wouldn't be able to have that letter). So, sometime next week we should have a start date. It's all very exciting. The 15th of October keeps popping into my head...not sure why but we'll see when we get the date. Hopefully it will be sometime around then. Funny thing is that our block was meant to settle around that time last year .... and virtually a year later the house is getting started.

Next week is a big week for us. Milly is booked in to have her tonsils and adenoids out on Tuesday. She and I will be having a sleep over at the hospital on Tuesday night and then home on Wednesday for a week of rest. Poor little princess.

I'll post some time next week when I know more about the start date!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Some More Pics of the Clean Up

Matt, Milly and I went back to the block yesterday with a secret weapon....the new bump feeder for the whipper snipper. It worked a treat. Not only was Matt able to leave me to it and not have to come over every five minutes when I couldn't get the cord out, but the new thickness of the cord just tore through the grass and made my job about ten times easier and quicker. Here are some shots of what we achieved. Believe it or not, it actually does look different.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Papers Are Signed

Today we signed our loan documents and took them back to the bank. It should take about a week for them to finalise everything and then Coral will take a couple of weeks to give us a start date. Full steam ahead....finally!!!

After we got back from the bank we got changed and went back to the block where we did some more cleaning up. Matt chopped up a tree that had been pushed over when the building envelope was cleared and I did some more whipper snipping. Here are a few shots of today's work.

The tree that Matt chopped up.

The pile of wood from the tree.

The grass as it looked before I started my job.

After I'd finished in there.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Stuff is happening!

We went out to the block today to see what has been happening to everyone else's house and to our surprise found some building materials ON OUR BLOCK!!!!! Admittedly they were only left overs from the house up the road that is going up at an incredible rate, but it's a start...and it's OUR start!!!!!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our plans are APPROVED!!!!

We received a phone call on Tuesday to say our plans had finally be approved by council. On Thursday, Coral received the plans back at their head office and now the bank has them and is drawing up all the paperwork. We're probably at least another week before all the bank stuff is finalised and after that it's about two to three weeks before they will land on our block. But, in other good news, we've been watching the Coral home up the road go up and in two weeks they've managed to lay the slab and get all the frames and trusses up. It's been great seeing how hard they're working and how quickly it is progressing. Can't wait for that to be us....and it won't be long now!!!